Winebits 834: The final edition

Toronto Star newsroom
How many reporters does it take to make sense of news stories about wine?

Three news items that show just how detached the wine business is from reality

When I worked at the late and much missed Dallas Times Herald, the two sports columnists couldn’t stand each other and didn’t speak. So when they covered the same event, like a Cowboys game, they would often write the same column, which wasn’t good, or write the complete opposite of each other, which was even worse.

The latter happened a lot. So the guy who ran the copy desk coined a term: Dueling columnists. As in, “What did the dueling columnists write this time?”

Which happens all the time in wine — call it dueling news. So, for the blog’s final news briefs post, these three stories (which appeared just before the holidays):

Is the Negative Shift in Alcohol Spending Behavior Temporary?

Americans Spending on Holidays After all?

Luxury brands brace for lackluster Christmas, inventory pile-up?

The first says the decline in booze is because it’s too expensive, so when it gets cheaper (or we have more money), we’ll come back. The second says price isn’t a problem, really. And the third says it is, and wonders if it’s time to panic.

Trying to make sense of all of this is exactly the sort of thing I won’t miss.

Photo: “Toronto Star newsroom” by Toronto History is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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